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Attendee Photo Contributions
Attendee Photo Contributions
Updated over a week ago

Enhance your SpotMyPhotos experience with this interactive feature that allows attendees can use their phones to add their own photos to the SpotMyPhotos stream.

How Attendee Photo Contributions Works

Simply enable the Allow Attendees to Add Event Photos toggle.

Once enabled, this will allow you to add in a custom photo overlay that is unique to attendee uploads, if you choose to do so.

Attendees have the option to upload a batch of photos from their camera roll or capture a single shot using their device's camera, which will be automatically uploaded.

This functionality is available throughout the event's duration, with an additional 24-hour grace period allowing attendees to add any final images before the event concludes.

Regarding pricing, this feature serves as an upsell opportunity. White Label users can access it for $99, while it's included at no extra cost for standard SpotMyPhotos users.

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